unnessary typing

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unnessary typing

Post by HBMan23 »

Did anyone else see the penalty the #14 car recieved in this weeks Indy RC race. I believe that this penalty is too harsh and unnessart. The only tim I typed was when I apoilglzed to someone or were pitting. It is completely unnessary. Wildfire typed more than I did! Also, if you will look at california's Nextel cup race, someone got penalized for typing and fussing with someone and only gpt a 10 point penalty! I got 25 points. This is not right. I think the administration should reconsider this penalty because from the info above, something sounds fishy. Pease consider this very carefully. Unfair and Unjust!

Re: unnessary typing

Post by WildFire »

dude, I typed to you a few times to tell you to take it easy, a few times u apologised for it, and I said okay.But then u just kept on doing it man. .I could really get into this with ya, but I really don't want too. If you have any complaints talk to the admins.

Also you might want to know that with the ingame patch180 and on road courses there are ingame penalties that come into play.

Plus do you also realise you typed "WTF" to one of the admins??

Rebel RacingEdited by: WildFire at: 3/5/06 2:46 pm

Re: unnessary typing

Post by HBMan23 »

wildfire, I want to first apologize to you. I was pushing it way too hard and know that I am completely at fault. I will work to get better at taking it easy. I am a rookie in this league but that is no excuse. It was just that I had the oppurtunity to get my first top 5 in the league and that would have been great. But, since you get penalized for getting in the grass(whatever) I finished 7th. If I knew I was going to finish 7th anyway, I would have just let you go anyway and not tried to get around you so much. Also, typing WTF was for a good reason. I got pushed through the enterance into turn 1 by the 38 (admins take note and review). he was going way too fast for turn 1 because you can see that he still missed turn 1! it's ok now but thats why that was said that. But mainly, I just think that the penalty was too harsh after the game is taking away my first top 5 and a 25 point penalty from the league. Its a little much. How about a warning about typing! If it was for typing wtf, then I understand it a little more Lepage you run this league in a great way but dont take your personal frustration out in the league. I would like to apologize to you also! I just don't want any enemies. LOL Please consider this post very carefully!

Re: unnessary typing

Post by WildFire »

HB.. apology accepted. cya on the track next week.

I was running in 5th at that time, when the banging was going on. and went right back and got it back again.

Also patience is a virtue.. take your time, you will get a top 5 real fast!! It took me a while to do that last season and took me most of the season to get my first win.

Rebel RacingEdited by: WildFire at: 3/5/06 4:17 pm
Skoty Speed

Re: unnessary typing

Post by Skoty Speed »

I don't normally respond to these kinds of posts, (we prefer to do it privately) but since you see it fit to question the integrity of the league, I will make an exception.

The penalty you recieved wasn't for how often you typed, it was for what you typed.
Also, typing WTF was for a good reason.
Good reason or not, it's a direct violation of our rules.
How about a warning about typing!
We do not give out warnings for breaking rules that are clearly written on our rules page.......

Flaming and Swearing
1. Flaming and swearing at other drivers is prohibited.

Technically it should have been a 50 point penalty, but since it was one short comment, and ended at that, we gave you a break on the points. Any way you look at it, it is NOT an acceptable thing to do. We expect and demand our drivers to respect each other on the track. If this seems unreasonable to you, then I would suggest you look for a different league.
I got pushed through the enterance into turn 1 by the 38 (admins take note and review).
I assure you we review all races thoroughly, and if you would have looked closer at the results you'd of seen that we gave you back the 2 second penalty the game gave you for that incident.
But mainly, I just think that the penalty was too harsh after the game is taking away my first top 5
The game didn't take away your top 5. You did that on your own. If you hadn't driven with such reckless abandon, you wouldn't have gotten all those penalties.

In closing I assure you that we try our best to be fair and consistant with handing out penalties. At times we have to take circumstances into account and assess penalties accordingly. In the future I strongly suggest you take up these kinds of matter with us privately.


Re: unnessary typing

Post by lepage71 »

HBMan I reminded you to review the rules page after Daytona. You can consider that as your warning for this type of penalty.

Re: unnessary typing

Post by HBMan23 »

I understand and respect you guys decision and I will now move on! I now look forward to Las Vegas and intend to improve my driving skills and improve my relationship with all members of the league! Good luck to all next week and I will see ya then! Thanks for the oppurtunity and your patience with a rookie driver like myself!
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