Last Season in NHRL NBS and NHRL Cup 11 Mods.

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Re: Last Season in NHRL NBS and NHRL Cup 11 Mods.

Post by bmxtwins »

I was just saying that it is nice to see something fresh, and a modified mod with good physics at that would be something I am really excited to try something other than the platinum stuff, which is about all I had raced for the past two years, and hence the reason I am a bit fatigued of running the same tracks and cars every week for what, five years now? You and Matt then decide to get in a childish argument and as a response you ban me, who has nothing but praise for the effort put into everything. I know how hard it is to do all of that, I have tried it.

But if that is what makes you happy, then fine. Because Mauro should know that he does a great job to keep this community updated with a new Sprint Cup mod (and NW mod this year)each year. But then you come over here and start acting as if I am attempting to denigrate all of his hard work, which is absolutely the complete opposite of how I view his work, his mod, and him as a person who I raced with for years at SpeedSims, and whom helped admin the Revolutionary Racing league with me for a whole season.

Mauro is a great guy with a golden heart, and dedication to this community that tries to help everyone. But you... you are just out for blood and to pick a fight with (me?) (someone?). If you and Matt have a problem don't drag me into it because I tend to like my memories of heat be positive ones.

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Re: Last Season in NHRL NBS and NHRL Cup 11 Mods.

Post by Bubba »

Bmxtwins wrote:I think you guys took everything I said out of context. I enjoyed all of my time in the platinum mods and blaxman does a great job and I am grateful for everything everyone has done. I was not crying about anything, rather just explaining my reasons for taking a hiatus from this game. Afterall it is a game and we are here to have fun. If it gets repetitive it does not mean that I think the worksmanship was bad as I realize certain things are out of the plausible reach of a couple man mod team who does so much.

Now please, can you grown men keep this conversation friendly?
Consider it guilty by association. Had your brother not opened his mouth and acted like a total assclown with his ignorant comments, I likely would have let it all slide. But his comments were the final straw for me.
Bmxtwins wrote:I was just saying that it is nice to see something fresh, and a modified mod with good physics at that would be something I am really excited to try something other than the platinum stuff, which is about all I had raced for the past two years, and hence the reason I am a bit fatigued of running the same tracks and cars every week for what, five years now? You and Matt then decide to get in a childish argument and as a response you ban me, who has nothing but praise for the effort put into everything. I know how hard it is to do all of that, I have tried it.

But if that is what makes you happy, then fine. Because Mauro should know that he does a great job to keep this community updated with a new Sprint Cup mod (and NW mod this year)each year. But then you come over here and start acting as if I am attempting to denigrate all of his hard work, which is absolutely the complete opposite of how I view his work, his mod, and him as a person who I raced with for years at SpeedSims, and whom helped admin the Revolutionary Racing league with me for a whole season.

Mauro is a great guy with a golden heart, and dedication to this community that tries to help everyone. But you... you are just out for blood and to pick a fight with (me?) (someone?). If you and Matt have a problem don't drag me into it because I tend to like my memories of heat be positive ones.

Your comments weren't as bad as your brothers, but it started the fire. Your brother poured the rest of the gasoline on that fire.

One thing we won't tolerate is bashing mod makers... as that is the life blood of our game and if one of them gets disrespected, they could decide to quit because of it... and none of us ever wants to see someone who does modeling work leaving because of rash comments made by the peanut gallery.
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Re: Last Season in NHRL NBS and NHRL Cup 11 Mods.

Post by DaveO »

Okay you two knuckleheads. (the twins) Listen up and listen good. You've said a few different things in a variety in your posts. Saying development is about dead.. etc etc. While people spend there free time updating the game to the BEST of there ability. Plus have given up several hours of there own free time, to bring a little enjoyment into peoples lives.. Heck I for one couldn't afford to purchase my own stock car.. But I get to enjoy racing EVERY WEEK with my friends, without getting hurt, or it costing me a fortune to maintain.

There is something in life you need to learn!! If you don't like something or have out grown it, don't say anything at all, especially if it's someone you know so WELL!!! If you do, say a kind thank you. Then move on... But, what you two don't realize is, Mauro has personally gone out of his way to help you guys over the years. If you can't for the simple fact, just STFU and go race iracing. Then you have not learned a damn thing over the years!! And that's the plain truth..
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Re: Last Season in NHRL NBS and NHRL Cup 11 Mods.

Post by mustangman759 »

Read my first post over and i was agreeing that you cannot please everyone or never will be able to. I also said you just need to accept that. Where did I even talk about any mods or work (besides wishing bover luck) in my post?
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Re: Last Season in NHRL NBS and NHRL Cup 11 Mods.

Post by Bubba » far as "seeing something fresh"... well, there are a ton of new things being done behind the scenes at TMS that aren't related to Platinum mods or G3.

All new tracks and all new mods... both scratch made and conversions from good people we know.

Kids have the attention span of a gnat sometimes. :roll

Do you have any earthly idea how long we have waited for certain things to be able to make new and exciting mods? Does anyone know how long I've personally been waiting to try and find others to help build tracks so modifieds can finally see the light of day on tracks they actually race at?

See... that's the difference in us. I have patience for that sort of thing and I have hope as well.

I just don't have patience with people who talk out of their ass.
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Re: Last Season in NHRL NBS and NHRL Cup 11 Mods.

Post by BlackKnight »

I myself have nothing but great things to say about all of the guys in NH .... Being a racer for years I've had the most fun racing with heat than I did doing it for real and everyone has done a great job at keeping this game alive and improving over the years . I never seen so many peapol willing to help beginers or lower competetors achieve a goal has they do in heat...Every time I have a question or problem I get all kinds of help from drivers I don't even know that just wanna help you achieve your goals....So with that said keep up the great job you all have been doing and lets keep this going for years to come !!!!!!!!
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Re: Last Season in NHRL NBS and NHRL Cup 11 Mods.

Post by bover907 »

Well said, BK.

Really that's all we're here for is to have fun.
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Re: Last Season in NHRL NBS and NHRL Cup 11 Mods.

Post by Hammer »

Holy shit, how did I miss not being a part in this? Reading this was great, and made my piss poor day a little bit better.
Bmxtwins wrote:PS: if anyone knows Reef's name, I would like to add him on iRacing.
Oh the hilarity.
In Reef we trust.
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Re: Last Season in NHRL NBS and NHRL Cup 11 Mods.

Post by bover907 »

If you had your butt in here racing, you wouldn't miss the shenanigans, now would you?

Anyway, sup man?
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