Clearing the air, and a stern warning!!!

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Clearing the air, and a stern warning!!!

Post by bover907 »

I am going to clear the air on some things and issue a stern warning for future reference.

By now I am sure that most of you know that Petty43 was suspended indefinatly from the NHRL. BTW... an indefinate suspension is different than a permanent ban in that a suspension can be reversed.

Contrary to popular belief..... The suspension was not handed down solely because of Petty's long post the other day about an inposter incedent on Dusterlag's server. I must add that Dusterlag's server is not an NHRL Server. (I point that out because it's of significance later)

Don't get me wrong, I like petty, and enjoyed racing with him, but if you click on members, click on Petty's user name, and search all his posts, you will see a pattern of behavior that was inappropriate and going on for a very long time. Petty had been warned in private on multiple occasions, not to mention the public warnings that'd been posted in the forum recently. Understand that he pretty much burnt all his muligans prior to his last forum rant. Remember people, there ARE proper ways of handling things.

Now, lets talk about this alledged imposter incedent....
REMEMBER FIRST, that this incedent happened on a public server not owned or operated by the NHRL. I can't state clearly enough that the Nascar Heat Racing League cannot, nor should it, (nor does it have the right to) police anyone elese's racer server or any other internet entity. It was mentioned to me that it was an NHRL matter because it involved 4 NHRL members..... This is not the case. Anyone can go to any race server, or other internet community in the world and say that they are Bover907, for instance. Does that make it an NHRL issue, or a issue? No. It's the general risk you run being in the public world that is the internet. So can we kick someone out of the NHRL because some else THINKS he was impersonating another NHRL member on a PUBLIC, NON-NHRL race server? No, we cannot. No, we will not.

I will tell you what we can police and control is the NHRL forum, and to a degree what happens in our server. Especailly during league sanctioned events.

Now, leave this be a very VERY stern warning to all NHRL members that all should conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful manner in our forums, and in our race servers.

Young members of the league.... If you want to hang with adults, race with adults, learn from adults, you need to conduct yourselves as the young adults that you are. If you don't want your parents to see you doing it, DON'T DO IT HERE!!!!!!! We are not the babysitting service, and will not tolerate bickering, wrecking, flaming or any conduct which is detrimental to our league mission, which is to "promote a positive environment and close competition". Remember, being young is not a free ticket to misbehave in our leauge.

To the 'adult' members of the league. If you want the younger members of this league to act accordingly, I fully expect you to take the high road, and set the proper example, and not indulge in childish behavior yourselves. If another league member (no matter his/her age) is behaving in a manner which is detrimental to our league goals, I implore you to report it, and not take it upon yourselves to be the forum police, server police, etc.

Let this be a warning to all that the NHRL is not going to tolerate this type of behavior any further. It's definately time to start having fun again.
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Re: Clearing the air, and a stern warning!!!

Post by Harding »

Thanks Bover, well said. Things can only go up from here :wink:
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Re: Clearing the air, and a stern warning!!!

Post by bmxtwins »

Thanks bover not many things go thru my thick skull. This did.
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Re: Clearing the air, and a stern warning!!!

Post by Reef »

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Re: Clearing the air, and a stern warning!!!

Post by tjwild »

under stand it all
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