Wheel Maintenance

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Wheel Maintenance

Post by Petty43 »

Hello Folks. I just wanted to inform all of you that anyone driving a logitech wheel, that the issue i've had with these is the steering, you know it's a lot of left turns, but i've used it for other games but not as much as Nascar Heat. The problem i've had is at about 10 o'clock on the steering wheel, the area you are around a lot with all the left turns, get's choppy or eratic, like a delay so you just want to head toward the wall. So, i took it apart. Thinking maybe one of the teeth on the gear was worn. To my suprise it was just a bunch of dust and other build up from years of use. I lifted up the wheel and column and marked the middle gear with a sharpie so i new where the original starting point was, and moved that gear around a bit to give the larger gear some new teeth to bite into. I used a toothbrush to clean the teeth out and it worked perfectly. Have a paper towel handy to gently rub off the gunk, the toothbrush will absorb the grease so you can reapply the grease to the gears that you cleaned. Now my wheel is running awesome and feels like a new wheel. Also about 3 months ago i had an issue with my pedals, i did the same thing to the pedals. Actually what was in my pedals looked like an Owl regurgitation dissection that i peformed in school turned out to be a little mouse skeleton. Basically the build up on the plastic, gears, and the constant use forces the grease to gather up in one spot, allowing dust and other small air particles to find each other and start a happy little gear teeth family to raise havoc on you.
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Re: Wheel Maintenance

Post by Donaldson »

thats great petty but next time could you please clean up your mess after your done? my crewcheif just bout broke his neck in the gargae this morning tripping over your crap. :evil:

Although I guess I wouldnt mind if he had (he tells me im clear when im not) :-|
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Re: Wheel Maintenance

Post by Petty43 »

Yeah I knew when i was leaving there was something i forgot to do. Sorry about that. He's a big talent in the garage and i think everyone agree's that we hope he's at a 110% for Daytona.
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Re: Wheel Maintenance

Post by Reef »

Here is a site I found long ago for momo repair and fixes. It has been an invaluable tool for me over the years. For those mechanically challenged, theres even pictures, lmfao.

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