Looks like i have to quit

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Looks like i have to quit

Post by CatCatch22 »

since i was not able to get in since the room was full, and i am currently missing the first race of the year wich is my best track i might as well hang heat up. See you guys its been fun. Later.

Re: Looks like i have to quit

Post by lepage71 »

Catch we had free slots open until 10 after. The new rules state that we are going to get the race underway once it is after 11:05, therefore we probably closed the server to the amount of drivers that were there.

You were probably just a little bit too late. We'll tack you on to the back of the field, though, but just this one time.

And remember, right before we qualify, I always have someone check IRF for anyone there. You were MIA, so we began the race process.

not blaming anyone

Post by CatCatch22 »

I was there during the practice session trying to get in when there was like 16 of 17 in the server. I tried to get in and the game crashed for some reason. When I came back to irf I noticed the server was full. I am not blaming anyone. Its just my travel schedule and my time is just cut down. I was on my girlfriend's lap top computer using 56k trying to get it to work, I doubt that it would have online. Me and my girl had went to the movies and timed our come home to make the race. we left the theatre at 11:03 and got home at 11:09, she drove her pathfinder at at least 90 mph several times weaving through traffic to get me home on time. So last night I was real dissapointed.

Re: not blaming anyone

Post by lepage71 »

Ok seems like some real bad luck. Well we are crediting you with a start, which is better than getting 0 points.

Yea we closed the server at 17, because by then it was about 15 after and we saw no one on IRF, therefore we began the race.
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