Nevermind. I recind my "geez".
Just remember guys. When you come off a corner at bristol third in a 3 car line, and the first car does the straightaway 22 miles slower than he had been doing them, and the second car in line goes all the way down to the bottom of the race track, You are faced with the following options...
- stay high until you've realized you're closing really fast on the guy in front at which point it's too late.
- take the middle, thus making it three wide, or
- brake really hard while coming out of the corner, and get behind the #2 car in line.
The correct answer is C!
On my replay, for whatever reason, I kind of followed speedy's car up the track. That's probably where the penalty comes from. I can't remember what was going on in my head 3 1/2 weeks after the fact. If I had known a day or two after the race that I had an indedent in question, I might have remembered what was going on, and maybe even been in position to give rebuttle, or even more likely, accept the penalty for what it was. But I have no earthly idea what was going thru my mind. I could speculate that I was very supprised by my closing rate to Speedy's car, and how early he slowed. For whatever reason, he only accelerated to 122 mph, then slowed down midpoint on the straightaway. My only guess is it took me by suprise. I should have just not accelerated at all, and actually braked so that I could stay behind jrfan 381 thru there. Who'd a thunk it?
I guess what it boils down to is this. Could we PLEASE find out about questionable incedents a couple days after the fact, so we can send you our replay, or what have you? Or maybe that isn't an option. We always talk about things not being what they seem on thin servers, why shouldn't we be inclined to send our replays. It'd at least let you gusy see our real point of view, as far as if penalties are warranted. If a replay isn't provided, no room for argument, right?
Screw the ten points. I ain't even debating that I drove dangerously anymore, because I have no idea, and probably was.
If someone (admns, or veteran drivers alike) doesn't mind. Could you please look at
my replay, and advise me on how to handle that situation the right way for future reference so I could try to make a learning experience out of it? I am serious here.
Speedy, I know we've talked about this incedent, and you said "It's all good", but I still want to apologize for whatever my wrong part was in that. Also, I am going to 'adopt' (for lack of a better word), and provide you with as many setups and help as I can. I know ur trying, which is more than we can say for some. So, consider yourself in the TTR Driver Development program, lol. See you on the track.