2. Dover

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Re: 2. Dover

Post by d3efan »

backtracking somewhat here...I understand now Rookies about what you were referring to. Now someone went and pissed off the weasel! Hell, that's been the story of my whole CTS experience so far, but, isn't it best, I suppose, that it's happening now? With a short and suposedly fun winter league? I mean with the new guys? Doesn't it happen every year - yes. Great instructional comments BTW. I don't want to scare any of the new guys off. Heck, I got so many negative comments my rookie year I was actually paranoid I was screwing up the whole year. I'm still traumatized I believe. :( You new guys just gotta have a thick skin and drive on. And get in there and practice like rookies said with us online and get to know folks. Then we can all find out just who the real assholes are. I, for one, am an asshole :shock: . Lepage now, COULD be one. Still tryin to figure that one out lol. kidding
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by efgordon »

GFN-Murray wrote:Yeah CR, you're right, good detective work. It still doesn't change the fact that he's a prejudiced little punk with an alligator mouth and a hummingbird ass. None of it matters anyway, I'm out of the truck series, screw it. It's going beyond the game to being way too personal now. I'll sit out till Cup starts and try a new start from there.
Holy Moley! Why do you assume i have some sort of problem with you, "GFN-Murray"?? I swear its not personal. I was just reading through the entire thread and that sentence stuck out to me...."money just got spent to deal with the issue". You need to know something about me that you obviously dont know. I suck with computers and i am always out of the loop for ANYTHING technical with respect to this league. Obviously as a league driver I should be very interested in anything about league races in any series if I want to stay competitive. I absolutely love what we do here and I have said thanks to the league many times for providing such a place for me to enjoy. If i misinterpeted your post, I am sorry! If indeed this so called "connection" problem is on your end. I've re-read your original comments like 5 times and I still cant be sure. It seemed to me you were saying that the league server was the problem. There has been many debates over the years about the types of servers and such. I think the fat servers are cool as hell and much fun. I often asked why big races cant be done that way. From what I gather (and again, i know shit about internet) it wasent possible. So we deal with the server we got and never offer it as an excuse. Thats all. Genuine interest and smartass constuctive critisism. Definately nothing personal. Thats just me. Now, about me just wanting to race to ruin the cts league or whatever. C'mon man, be for real. You really need to take a timeout and be man to man about this. Please go back to the question i asked you in my first response. Tell me what you think the NHRL is to you. I want to understand that.

fwiw - I took a long time off after the cup/bgn series because i needed the break. I still come to read the forums all the time though. I noticed the very first "unnofficial results" posted after the 1st race and became very interested in how many people were in the race. It sounded like a ton of fun and got my juices going enough to want to jump in the truck and race. Thats all, no conspiracy. I hope you reconsider your "screw it" comment about the CTS series.

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Re: 2. Dover

Post by kyle »

=D> =D> =D> [-o< BRAVO EF WELL SAID =D> =D> =D> =D> :grin:

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Re: 2. Dover

Post by GFN-Murray »

efgordon, honestly, I wish you'd leave me the hell alone. Me taking a timeout? Yeah, I am. Not saying there's anything wrong with the NHRL server. It's on "Thin" for reasons. The one thing you pointed out, ever so rudely, about me saying "being used to a thick server". Yeah, being used to it is one thing. I had JUST RACED in a thick server prior to Saturday's race, and misjudged Rook's distance behind me because I was still in the frame of mind from the last race. THAT IS ALL I MEANT. You say it's not personal, yet you keep intervening and cracking on me only in ignorant ways, when nothing at all I'm saying should be provoking you to do so. I'm not going to sit and read through hundreds of forum posts, but since I've been around I haven't seen where you've given anyone else this much negative attention. And how I feel about the NHRL, I honestly don't need to, or want to, tell you shit about my personal emotions toward Heat racing, NHRL, and all that. You've done pissed me off to a level that's had me behind bars for long periods of stay. If I did tell you, you'd have to do this gay little quote thing with my wording and somehow make fun of it or just be a prick about it, so your cronies will egg you on to keep it up. To hell with that "i'm sorry if I misinterpreted" crap, You misinterpret pretty much everything I say, so your apology is again a large oxymoron. The "screw it" term, Not meaning it's a bad series, just meaning I pulled myself out of it. Honest to God though, even with my bad finishes in the races so far, I've had alot of fun here. And you say you don't know much on the server topic, well if that's true, then why the hell run your mouth about what I was saying anyway? Calling it a "so called" connection problem, whatever. It was being dealt with, but again YOU have to scrutinize every letter of every word I type in here and find some way to amuse yourself with it. I'm about done with all this, I'm telling you now, just shut the hell up.
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by bover907 »

Wow, I'm speechless.

going way back before Ef and GFN-Murray's fight, (which I still don't understand) To Rook's original post where he said he was supprised to see less comments the next day. As for me. I figured yet another soapbox post would fall on dead ears.

It's become my opinion that the league, just to keep full fields, totally dropped it's membership standards. Only thing I can think of. I leave it to the league to prove otherwise

As far as that puke, or pukes in the white "Rocket" truck(s). You guys are immature wreckers, flat out. I was in and watched several incedents with those white trucks. Don't even know the driver's name and numbers. You can't look at the leaderboard, or the Number on the side of a truck when ur trying to save ur own. Like I said, you guy(s) in the white Rocket truck(s) are imature wreckers and pieces of shit. I leave it to you guy(s) to prove otherwise.

Probably a good thing I don't run this league, because there'd be bannings after saturday night. I'd think that if it continues at the next race that there would definately be bannings, because otherwise my first statement is true. Like I said I leave it to those drivers in question and the league to prove to me otherwise.
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by CR49 »

d3efan wrote:I, for one, am an asshole
Biggest one I've ever met lol.
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by efgordon »

GFN-Murray wrote:Yeah, being used to it is one thing. I had JUST RACED in a thick server prior to Saturday's race, and misjudged Rook's distance behind me because I was still in the frame of mind from the last race. THAT IS ALL I MEANT.
sry, i dont buy it. there is a difference in the servers, but your not running 1 sec per lap different from one to another. its not 2 different worlds. different? sure, but no excuse to wreck people.
GFN-Murray wrote:You say it's not personal, yet you keep intervening and cracking on me only in ignorant ways, when nothing at all I'm saying should be provoking you to do so.
its not personal! True, nothing you say is provoking me. Its genuine interest like i said before. I'm not cracking on you in ignorant ways, i am cracking on you in sarcastic smartass ways. big difference. You cannot possibly claim to have such warm and fuzzy feelings about the NHRL and yet not know that cracking on eachother in the forums isnt standard operating proceedure. Its not personal. You have like no experience with what it takes to get through a NHRL race clean, but you got all these strong opinions and junk. How bout just excepting some advice instead of giving it out? The truth....I really have no reason in the world to have any hard feelings toward you or dislike you in any way. I dont. However, I have many many reasons to find you funny and amusing because you keep giving me these wonderfull know it all posts. You can keep struggling in races, lashing out league members, and submersing yourself with faulty excuses if you want, but that will only make things worse. Think about it.....If you cant keep a cool head while bumping elbows with other drivers with different opinions here on the forums, then how the hell is anyone going to trust you driving behind them?
GFN-Murray wrote: I'm not going to sit and read through hundreds of forum posts, but since I've been around I haven't seen where you've given anyone else this much negative attention.
Once again your lack of knowlege has you handcuffed to stupidity. Me and you can do nothing else in our lives today, tommorrow, and the rest of the year, and you still wouldent even crack the top 10 of subjects i have been so called "negitive" about. I ALWAYS find it funny and amusing when the newbies come in to the league and think they can talk there way into good finishes on the forums. You are not the first and not the last (hopefully) and most importanly you are not alone. The vast majority of us racers sucked ass when we first got started in this league. You can either realize and embrace it and grow from it, or you can reject it and falsly put blame on other things like the track or the setup, or the server. One way will make you sit at your pc for hours on end trying to find .1 friggin second, the other will make you say "screw it" and quit. The choice is yours.

For someone who claims to think the world of the league, you sure as hell dont know too much about it, do you?
GFN-Murray wrote:And how I feel about the NHRL, I honestly don't need to, or want to, tell you shit about my personal emotions toward Heat racing, NHRL, and all that.
Forget "heat racing" and "all that", my question is simply "why the nhrl?" What do we have? Why are we so special? It still escapes me how you can "think the world" of something you know nothing about. Is it the pictures? It cant be the website, Lepage only updates that thing like once a year...lol. Is it the finishes? Do we really have such great close finishes here as oppossed to the rest of the sim racing world? It cant be the race sizes can it? What is so special about a 14 car field? What it is? What makes the NHRL anything special for someone on the outside looking in? Seriously, I cant think of one single stand out thing about the league from an outsiders point of view. I cant imagine anything you see from a distance is all that attractive. Its like the bazaro world man, i am so confused.
GFN-Murray wrote:If I did tell you, you'd have to do this gay little quote thing with my wording and somehow make fun of it or just be a prick about it, so your cronies will egg you on to keep it up.
you are very lucky the league had a bunch of members leave for nr2003 not long ago, a couple of those guys were very very gay and would take extreme offense to the gay comment.
GFN-Murray wrote:You've done pissed me off to a level that's had me behind bars for long periods of stay.
I'm not exacly sure what your saying here, Its kinda crypted like alot of your posts. If your trying to say that at some point in your life your temper put you behind bars......hmmm i believe it.
GFN-Murray wrote:To hell with that "i'm sorry if I misinterpreted" crap, You misinterpret pretty much everything I say, so your apology is again a large oxymoron.
Well, for a while there i really did think i spoke out of turn. Your english and typing skills are equally as bad as mine though. I thought i screwed up and didnt realize you were complaining about some sort of connection problem on your end and money being spent to fix it. I would never rag on a driver for having a bad connection. I would feel bad for him and would offer any help i could do. I know shit about connection problems and came darn close to giving up racing because of them. I would let the league handle that. I might complain to the league about someone warping or ghosting, but i would leave it in their hands and not bust on you about it. However, after i re-read your chicken pecks another 5 times, i realized i was right and you were blamming the server for your problems. Sry but i gotta call it like i see it. Its bs to put the server up as an excuse to wreck people. ofcourse your gonna disagree. as i have already pointed out, you have no clue yet about the league and what it takes to be succesfull. You just dont.
GFN-Murray wrote:The "screw it" term, Not meaning it's a bad series, just meaning I pulled myself out of it.
and i honestly feel bad if your pulling out because of anything i said. you will never find one person on the planet who will claim i have ever wrecked anyone purposely. The bad feeling i get when i accidently wreck someone sticks with me longer than any good feeling i get from running top 5 or even winning. I have a great amount of respect for the drivers in this league that devote endless hours practicing on their setups. I genuinely care and enjoy their company and thrive off the high quality of the competition. I make it a point to know how to not wreck someone regaurdless of the server or my setup or the track.
GFN-Murray wrote:And you say you don't know much on the server topic, well if that's true, then why the hell run your mouth about what I was saying anyway?
because i had just recently decided to join the cts series and considered it my duty to stay ontop of any issues out there. Its impossible to be competitive in this league without being completely dedicated and not overlooking anything. well, maybe some drivers can just jump in a truck and be competitive right away, but i cant. it takes me many many hours of practice and a full game plan and knowlege of everyone and everything i am racing against. whether thats a driver who is inexperienced or a new server, it dont matter, i have to game plan around it. so like i said before, i was genuinely interested in the subject.
GFN-Murray wrote:I'm about done with all this, I'm telling you now, just shut the hell up.
NO! This is not cuba, you cant just make someone shut up because they speak of things that you dont like. Like it or not, I am a league member and have every right to speak my mind about any on the track issues. Get over it already.
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by GFN-Murray »

Plain and simple, I haven't wrecked anyone on purpose. I got in Rooks way in the first race, he got tore up a little, it was past the 5th lap, so I escaped. The second race on the schedule, I didn't even participate, and now, I'm out of the CTS winter deal, period. Keep saying that I'm blaming NHRL's server for my problems, believe whatever you want. Speak your mind, do whatever it takes to make you happy. You can believe that I'm a newb to the league that is "wrecking people" and "blaming the server, and others" of my problems, which, by the way were on their way to being solved until you had to once again throw yourself into the matter. Besides, there's a handful of NHRL drivers that do know that I'm competitive, we had a nice time running laps at Daytona the other week where I was running laps as fast, sometimes faster, than others. The problem is, with me and another person, in the same house, being in the server at the same time, the game becomes erratic; but only with the CTS mod. Where you THINK I'm blaming NHRL's server is pure bullshit. What I'm saying is, when us two connect to a "Thick" or "Hosted" server, the problem doesn't happen. I NEVER said it was the server's fault. If I had thought that at all, then money wouldn't have got put towards fixing the problem with both us connecting from the same house. But WHATEVER, it doesn't mean shit now. I've learned alot from this whole deal, I'll stick to private messaging on the forum on future topics from here on out if I even decide to hang around. If i do have to post skin .tex files or whatever, then i'll post. I'm sick of the whole matter, and I totally hate your f@%k!ng guts. Just leave me the hell alone.
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by efgordon »

GFN-Murray wrote:Plain and simple, I haven't wrecked anyone on purpose.
Point me in the direction of where i accused you of intentionally wrecking someone. I never did. If you were intentionally wrecking people i wouldent waste a single keystroke trying to explain anything to you. I would be just counting the days down until you were gone.
GFN-Murray wrote:You can believe that I'm a newb to the league that is "wrecking people" and "blaming the server, and others" of my problems
wow. fantastic sentence. dead on, like it or not. i might be a dickwad with a smartass way and errrrr hummingbird ass, but i know this sentence is right on.

you are new. check. i dont know how you reject that one. certainly new to us drivers and league.

you are wrecking people. ok, not on purpose, but i never said that. but your lack of experience/knowledge has caused wrecks. again, no way you can dispute it, you already admitted such.

you did "blame the server, and others". in your own passive agressive way. no disputing that. as far as "others", didnt you just say "problems, which, by the way were on their way to being solved until you had to once again throw yourself into the matter"???? does that mean you are gonna blame them not being fixed on me for opening my mouth? there ya go, blaming the server and "others" because you cant handle the truth. What truth? The truth that you dont have a clue and will continue to not have a clue until you swallow that pride and glue your ass to the pc for 2 to 3 hours a night doing nothing but running laps. not caring about servers, or forums, or stupid fucking paint jobs. Just practice until you know every single bump and groove on the track so you can darn near drive with a blindfold. You do that, and i promise you will be able to get into any server, fat or thin, and survive without crashing someone 5 laps into a race.
GFN-Murray wrote:I was running laps as fast, sometimes faster, than others.
so can alot of guys. one guy even "dominated" us one time. nobody cares how fast you can run. it only matters how clean and consistant you can run.
GFN-Murray wrote:But WHATEVER, it doesn't mean shit now. I've learned alot from this whole deal
I doubt it. One league member steps up and simply asks who you are and you freak out. Someone else makes a heat of the moment comment when passing you and you friggin cry about it and get all paranoid. Someone clowns with you afterwards and you start threatning to take a trip down their beltway. Then when i call bs to something you say, you whine and take your shit and go home. wah wah wah. you quit the series now because of one man's thoughts? lame. The problem was going to be fixed, but now your gonna show me and not fix it? gee, how brilliant. I hate to claim another alfred efstein moment, but i think more is being learned about you than learned by you. You cant handle even the slightest confrontation and even small construtive critisism sets you off. There is no chance whatsoever you are going to survive in this atmosphere where we are constantly bumping fenders and trying to keep within the general rules of sportsmanship while bitching at each other. You dont have it. You should/need to stick to arcade games or racing against either AI or other people in the world who dont want to upset you by beating you. Go ahead and prove me wrong if you need to, but it wont happen. No chance you can care more about the race than all the other shit that goes along with it. Stop worrying about everyone elses "temper" and get ahold of your own.
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by GFN-Murray »

Wow, you're good, you're the greatest judge of character on the planet, kudos to you. You didn't have to stop your post so short, hell, make one a whole page long. And I have taken constructive criticism here, much of which you don't know about because you was either not there at the time or it was through PM's and/or emails. In my own view, I thought this was the place to be. Even though I am new to this style of racing and I have caused some wrecks and all that, no one has been a total piece of scumbag shit about it accept you. You're idea of "clowning" with me is comparing me to someone that hates blacks and in the same tone the "giant sucking sound" deal, yeah, that's all good fun. You have done nothing but single me out, and then try to make it all look like I started with you. You have not once yielded any constructive criticism my way without throwing some smartass quip with it. And really, dispite my lack of experience that you love to point out, dispite whatever issues may be with the CTS mod and connections and all that, you are the only thing that makes me wish I would've never even attempted to come here. And I say "thing" because you're not even human, you're garbage.
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by efgordon »


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Re: 2. Dover

Post by bover907 »

I can't resist any longer.... Ahhh it's killing me.


The only reason ef is doing this is because it's getting a rise out of you. He does do this from time to time, as does rookie, (champion 2 years running) and one or two others. If you weren't getting mad, he wouldn't do it.

He's actually a nice guy. (Well, as nice as a Skins fan can be, anyway) He also would be very willing to help anyone out any way he can.


The only thing I think you didn't get from Murray's original post was that he and his buddy sat out the dover race after connection issues (on their end) during the dover event. They were there at practice, but rather than have issues, sat out until they get their new router or whatever this week.

You guys took all my thunder where I did actually and intentionally call a guy a piece of shit, and I got no reply :sad:

I do still look for that piece of shit in question to prove to me otherwise.
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by DaveO »

bover907 wrote:I can't resist any longer.... Ahhh it's killing me.


The only reason ef is doing this is because it's getting a rise out of you. He does do this from time to time, as does rookie, (champion 2 years running) and one or two others. If you weren't getting mad, he wouldn't do it.

He's actually a nice guy. (Well, as nice as a Skins fan can be, anyway) He also would be very willing to help anyone out any way he can.


The only thing I think you didn't get from Murray's original post was that he and his buddy sat out the dover race after connection issues (on their end) during the dover event. They were there at practice, but rather than have issues, sat out until they get their new router or whatever this week.

You guys took all my thunder where I did actually and intentionally call a guy a piece of shit, and I got no reply :sad:

I do still look for that piece of shit in question to prove to me otherwise.

Bover's 100 percent correct... just like Rookie likes to do from time to time. Some of there posts are actually very entertaining to read..You can learn quite a bit from those two guys!! 8) And EF, would go out of his way to help anyone at anytime. 4 years ago when I first started out in this league as a newbie, EF was the first guy who helped me out . 8)
Last edited by DaveO on Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by efgordon »

Hold on now fellas. I'm not just some twisted nutball with nothing else to do but poke fun at the new animals at the zoo.

When this guy starts a thread busting our chops and wondering if we get paid "real cash for points races" and followed it up with his nonsense about how we take it too seriously, he got my attention.

and just like anything else in his pathetic life, he can dish it out, but he cant take it. Consider me your early warning device for knuckleheads. This guys has done nothing but bitch and moan and crave for attention from the get go.
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by efgordon »

DaveO wrote:
bover907 wrote:I can't resist any longer.... Ahhh it's killing me.


The only reason ef is doing this is because it's getting a rise out of you. He does do this from time to time, as does rookie, (champion 2 years running) and one or two others. If you weren't getting mad, he wouldn't do it.

He's actually a nice guy. (Well, as nice as a Skins fan can be, anyway) He also would be very willing to help anyone out any way he can.


The only thing I think you didn't get from Murray's original post was that he and his buddy sat out the dover race after connection issues (on their end) during the dover event. They were there at practice, but rather than have issues, sat out until they get their new router or whatever this week.

You guys took all my thunder where I did actually and intentionally call a guy a piece of shit, and I got no reply :sad:

I do still look for that piece of shit in question to prove to me otherwise.

Bover's 100 percent correct... EF is just having fun with ya, just like Rookie likes to do from time to time. Some of there posts are actually very entertaining to read.. And EF, would go out of his way to help anyone at anytime. 4 years ago when I first started out in this league as a newbie, EF was the first guy who helped me out . 8)

I would gladly help anyone at anytime. I feel i owe that to the league. However, if someone's game is to hurl insults and marginalize something i just so happen to enjoy very much, they get on my bad side quick.
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by DaveO »

I would gladly help anyone at anytime. I feel i owe that to the league. However, if someone's game is to hurl insults and marginalize something i just so happen to enjoy very much, they get on my bad side quick.[/quote]

I don't think I need to say this.. Since you know me so well. But I agree with you totally!!
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by Reef »

you guys are gonna put the nightstalker out of business :mrgreen:
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by Ramrock47 »

CR49 wrote:Felt like I was putting together another top 5 run, but unfortunatly had an unavoidable incident on pit road.
CR,..I apologize for what happened on pit road I didnt mean to do that,...and on your second time around too,..I'm realy sorry bud :sad:
I deserve the points loss,..I'll try not to do that again to anyone else,..my bad,..and again I apologize :roll:
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by bover907 »

Reef wrote:you guys are gonna put the nightstalker out of business :mrgreen:
Nightstalker Lives!!!!! LMAO!
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Re: 2. Dover

Post by CR49 »

Ramrock47 wrote:
CR49 wrote:Felt like I was putting together another top 5 run, but unfortunatly had an unavoidable incident on pit road.
CR,..I apologize for what happened on pit road I didnt mean to do that,...and on your second time around too,..I'm realy sorry bud :sad:
I deserve the points loss,..I'll try not to do that again to anyone else,..my bad,..and again I apologize :roll:
Ram that incident didn't even effect me any and probably was just as much my fault as yours. If that was the only incident I had I don't think it would have taken me out of contention. It was the guy who all of a sudden appeared and pushed me out of my stall onto the track that effected my run.
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