Needed: Subs for ALL races at NC

Post about an upcoming absence and search for substitute drivers.
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Needed: Subs for ALL races at NC

Post by HBMan23 »

Please if anyone can sub for me at North Carolina in the Truch, Busch, or Cup, I would be very grateful. I will be on vacation at Myrtle Beach, SC and will not be able to race. Thanks in advance!!


Post by HBMan23 »

Please somone help me. I am close to the top 10 and do not want to slip too far. Thanks in advance!


Post by j2thec »

hey man, I can sub for you in Cup and Trucks if no one else can.

Thanks so much

Post by HBMan23 »

Thanks so much. You've got the job. I appreciate it and I owe you one!

cars on the download page

Truck tex = car123.tex

Nextel cup tex = car226.tex

just adjust your drivers.txt file to drive the cars! Thanks again!!

Re: Needed: Subs for ALL races at NC

Post by Ramrock47 »

Hey HBman what car do you run in the Busch series? Let me know and I'l cover you there bud.

Busch Car

Post by HBMan23 »

Thanks Ramrock! I run the #14 Navy Dodge. I appreciate it very much. I owe you one! Good luck and I'll see ya at 'Dega!

Re: Busch Car

Post by WildFire »

HB, anytime u need a sub in cts, down the road, just holler dude I'll cover for ya. later bud

Rebel Racing

Thanks to all!!!

Post by HBMan23 »

I just want to thank everyone for the support! Thanks to my subs this week at NC, Ramrock47 in the NBS and J2theC in Cup and CTS! And thanks to wildfire in advance! LOL! See ya at 'Dega!

Re: Thanks to all!!!

Post by j2thec »

Np HB, sry I didn't get better results....CTS wasn't entirely my fault internet took a dump lol.

How can it mean anything to me,
if I really don't feel a thing at all?

Re: Thanks to all!!!

Post by Ramrock47 »

No problem HB, I needed the extra practice
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