
General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Post by d3efan »

and everyone else who was there. I said the wheel cost something like 874 dollars was only, like, 487. the 8 got jacked around there while i was typing hehe. no way id pay 800 for a wheel, unless, of course, the league was willing to ante up a purse for the races. heck, id even pay to get in. can you imagine tho the fighting if someone spun someone else out...let's do it! lol see ya

Re: Kyle...

Post by bover907 »

I got a wheel for sale. Cheap!

Man this refund needs to get deposited already!!!!

Imagine if we still had to wait for treasury checks in the mail after mailing in the return? Ughhhh!

Nah, MOMO for me. found a site with them for 50something dollars. they were only 33 back before the holidays. guess they saw that the competition was gettin $89-99 for them.

Re: Kyle...

Post by kyle4445 »

for that much you should win every race ....not i'll keep my 100dollar microsoft force feed...of course it looks like it may only be good for 1 more season..still works great but the rubber around where i grip is getting a lil worn if ya know what i mean

Re: Kyle...

Post by bover907 »

from white knuckling it? Or are you chewing it off when you get road rage.

Re: Kyle...

Post by kyle4445 »

you've heard me on rw before now do i get road rage
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