Hey Lepage

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Hey Lepage

Post by Burner67 »

i just sent you my new car tex and a jpg of the car i will be driving in the cup series ..let me know if you didnt get it

Re: Hey Lepage

Post by Burner67 »

it didnt go through..it says your mailbox is full..when you clean it out let me know and ill send it again

Re: Hey Lepage

Post by Burner67 »

hey lepage ..i see you got my car tex..but you put it as my car on the busch series to ..im still driving the #8 for busch

Re: Hey Lepage

Post by lepage71 »

Your 8 car is still on your page. Everything should be correct...

Re: Hey Lepage

Post by bover907 »

While we're at it. My old e-mail addy is listed in my driver bio page. The addy should be bover97@epix.net , not the earthlink.net addy.


Re: Hey Lepage

Post by Burner67 »

well i just checked it and the #3 car is on my busch driver page? i dont know what the deal is

Re: Hey Lepage

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Under the picture of your car and above the download button there are buttons labeled car 1 and car 2 etc etc. When you click them your other cars appear majically.

BBFF member
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