Off-season league??

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Re: Off-season league??

Post by DaveBlaney91 »

Id be up for it if it was friday,saturday,sunday night

Off-season league??

Post by doZer2442 »

Sup fellas,
I was thinking about creating an off-season league that would run probably after Christmas up till a week or two before Daytona. Was just wondering if anyone was interested in joining it...cuz last time i tryed to create a league...i got it all made...but noone joined

Edited by: doZer2442 at: 11/30/04 8:25 pm


Post by doZer2442 »

yea it would probly be friday or saturday night... not sure yet...if i get enough people that wanna run it ill start working on the main details and work on a site for it.... just leave a word here if your interested
Gumby 11

Re: Off-season league??

Post by Gumby 11 »

Ya I would be in if its Friday,Sat,or Sunday. Fill me in need somethin to do.


Post by doZer2442 »

ok...well...i guess ill start off making a site for it... drop a line in here if your at all interested in running in the league...or if you have any suggestions... it'll probly be on .... take care

Re: re

Post by EagleKeeper »

ok..... I'll be out of town and unable to race until about jan 22nd-ish. not totally sure about the dates right now. but.... save me a spot. I'll race with ya in late Jan and early to mid Feb.... until NHRL starts back up..... maybe sooner.... but, I'm always looking for some good competition... being that IRF is always dead.


Post by doZer2442 » the site done pretty much...just have to tweak somethings and change up the schedule...other than that its set... just need people to JOIN UP and race...let me know if you want to run the league or not...once i get about 10 guys ill have everyone vote on a day to race ---- racing should start sometime in late december (i'll make a .tk later)

you can also get there from FLM's main site -

Edited by: doZer2442 at: 12/10/04 10:39 am


Post by doZer2442 »

K guys...i need your car #'s and makes...

need a few more guys to join too...

new site url

Post by doZer2442 »

made a shorter URL --

Edited by: doZer2442 at: 12/14/04 5:24 pm

Re: new site url

Post by EagleKeeper »

i see this off season league has become a big hit ..... no??
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