Wheel Problem, Etc.

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Wheel Problem, Etc.

Post by grovet »

Not pouting, and no complaint here. I think the mod is pretty neat by the way. I don't know what the problem was last night, unless I had something running in the background that was affecting my connection, because my connection speeds as most of you know are relatively high and reliable. One other thing has plagued me since the end of the cup season, my wheel vibrating or shaking in the game. Only happens in Heat since it started. I don't like running without force feed. I've tried several things to fix the wheel for heat, but no dice so far. The connection thing I don't think will be something to worry about, but I think unless I get some suggestion on fixing this wheel problem, I will just take the winter off, and see what I can do for next cup season. I will check here periodically, but most of you have my email anyway. Hope to hear from ya.
Skoty Speed

Re: Wheel Problem, Etc.

Post by Skoty Speed »

I doubt very much thet your connection will be a concern.......I do however have a sugestion for your wheel........Take the wheel and gently place it inside a blue bag. Then take your favorite sodtball bat and take a few home run cuts at it...( 6 or 7 ought to do it ).....Pick up the bag and place it on the curb in front of your house.........There. Problem solved...

Re: Wheel Problem, Etc.

Post by grovet »

Does it have to be a blue bag? And how long should I leave it at the curb?

Re: Wheel Problem, Etc.

Post by d3efan »

if its just the wheel (erratic behavior on screen or in controls window/not force feedback issue) you may need new pots.

Re: Wheel Problem, Etc.

Post by kyle4445 »

i clicked off my force feed in the game options,and clicked it on ,on my wheel now i have no vibrating or shaking so the wheel feels the same without the shaking etc....

Re: Wheel Problem, Etc.

Post by reeferodent »

what kind of wheel is it?
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