General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Skoty Speed


Post by Skoty Speed »

It looks like we will be missing several drivers due to hurricane Ivan. So we are canceling this weekends race at NH.

Plus our server is based in Alabama and the storm will more than likely present connection issues.

So our next race will be Dover on the 25th.

We do not have any open weekends left to reschedule it, so we may add it to the end of the schedule if enough drivers would be in favor of it.



Post by bover907 »

Good luck, and keep it safe for all you guys in Ivan's path. Am I the only "yankee" in the league?

I can host Saturday if anyone wants to 'screw around'. Maybe see where people are at with Vegas setups, etc. Cars, trucks, etc. Just post a reply or I'll probably be on IRF.

Edited by: bover907 at: 9/14/04 4:41 pm


Post by DusterLag »

well.......... sense i live and was born in Maine i guess im a yankee but i really dont consider myself one here in the city seeing as no one else here does soooooooo.......... i dono but same here..........

Re: well

Post by bover907 »

Of course I don't mean Yankee in the terms of N vs S, would have been better worded "northerner" I guess.

Re: well

Post by DusterLag »

well then ur not the only one

Re: well

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Minnesooota here.

BBFF member


Post by fatfreddy17 »

HAHAHA, rookie said "Minnesooota"!

Go PACK go!

Re: Re

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Go pack what?

BBFF member

Re: Re

Post by Viagra6Car »

Team to watch=Cleveland

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @

Re: team to watch

Post by bover907 »

No, the team to watch is the E A G L E S, Eagles!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I grew up in Philly, and Now live about 100miles north but, always have been and always will be an Eagles fan. Good bad or ugly. Same goes for the phillies. (glutton for punishment there, LOL)

Re: team to watch

Post by d3efan »

Thanks for the postponement . tommy , eagle, scroo, and burner have probably evac'd the coast by now (tyndal , AFB) and this will proly be my last post until the power comes back on. starting to get lashed by the outer bands now. we're located in se alabama near dothan, 285 miles from mobile.

im a transplant from michigan BTW, this is my 1st hurricane. guess what ill be doing when the power fails here...practicing for las vagas ! lol see yas

hurricane party!!!
TommyW 21 and 28

Re: team to watch

Post by TommyW 21 and 28 »

Well for the most part here on base at Tyndall is okay. I only lost cable for about 12 hours but sit here fat and happy and rode the storm out.


#21 Air Force Team

Re: team to watch

Post by d3efan »

It looks like we're back in business too. Heck of a windy\rainy day thursday tho. trees down all over and on houses. lost some eve siding and roof tiles at our house. cables back up so ill check in tonight and see if there's practice going on.

Re: team to watch

Post by EagleKeeper »

i just got power back today..... 3 days without elect, A/C, TV, cable, internet, lights, radio, stove, fridge, porn, etc.... really sucked....... the Amish don't know what they are missing without all these things!!! lol

btw..... i agree with V6>>>> the CLEVELAND BROWNS will be the team to watch this season in the NFL!!!! mark my word!!

p.s. i have to go into work tonight to recover our F-15's which evacuated due to the storm...... I may not make it to the race tonight (if there is one schedualed) Sub??? lol
I'll try to make it....... P.S. i've won @ vegas b4


Post by fatfreddy17 »

Several comments here,,
1) I am glad to see that you guys made it thru the hurricane!

B) keep practicing for Vegas, ( huh, next race is, )

and 4) after the Pack demolishes the Bears Sunday, you ALL will see things the FRED WAY Pack 37 Bears 7

Edited by: fatfreddy17 at: 9/18/04 7:16 pm

I had to evacuate

Post by bover907 »

I had to evacuate yesterday and couldn't do any racing, I knew I said I would host truck or car races if anyone wanted to screw around, but half my town got flooded. I just made it myself, the Susquehana River made it to 35 feet which it the 3rd largest flood since they started recording that stuff in 18Godknowswhat. The river wound up stopping just at the border of my backyard, Thank God. Glad to see everyone else was fine, and getting power back and all.

RE: I had to evacuate

Post by DusterLag »


ive never lived down south but it sounds tough for all u gies!!!!
glad u all are all right........

i cant rember anything like that up here ever the worst i ever went through was the 98 ice storm and i was like 8 or 9 or something and i really dont rember it or anything.............
TommyW 21 and 28

Re: RE: I had to evacuate

Post by TommyW 21 and 28 »

Hey Freddy how bout them PACKERS ; Thomas Jones ran all over that Pack defense. (BTW I played against Thomas in high school along with his brother Julius, the rookie rb for Dallas.) The PACK stunk up the place Fred. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


#21 Air Force Team

Not just down south

Post by bover907 »

Not just down south. The widespread flooding I am talking about is in Northeast and Central PA.

Wait until Monday Night.
E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by: bover907 at: 9/19/04 5:26 pm

Re: Not just down south

Post by d3efan »

Nope it wasnt just down south. just when ya think it's safe to go back in the water...

Did I say Las Vegas, what was I thinkin? See yas at Dover!
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