Work Tommy..... WORK!

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Work Tommy..... WORK!

Post by EagleKeeper »

hey Tommy-boy...... I see that you are on the ezboard forums..... but you are supposed to be working. so.... get back out there to those F-15's and fix em!!! that way.... I won't have to tonight lol
TommyW 21 and 28

Re: Work Tommy..... WORK!

Post by TommyW 21 and 28 »

No No I am in eng. run class so go fix them jets.


#21 Air Force Taurus
#28 Havoline Ram

Re: Work Tommy..... WORK!

Post by d3efan »

I would like for you guys to hook me up with a ride! I once took an F-15 pilot flying in the Gulf, the big one: GW1 (I bet he was impressed) lol. We did do some in the dirt snoopin for the badguys stuff however which is fun stuff.

Re: Work Tommy..... WORK!

Post by EagleKeeper »

oh yeah..... lol Tommy. I forgot you were in engine run class... good luck and remember.... never fight the fire on a flashing light (it's just T.M.S.) if the light is glowing steady.... push and discharge!!!! lol

Re: Work Tommy..... WORK!

Post by scrooluice »

Ah to hell with it, just discharge anyway...I wanna see what happens to

#13 Oakley Ford

Re: Work Tommy..... WORK!

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Discharge?.....mmmmmmmmm. Sounds like something a woman's gyno would say.

BBFF member
TommyW 21 and 28

Re: Work Tommy..... WORK!

Post by TommyW 21 and 28 »

Rook you are sick the HEAD I hope you know that. HEHEHE


#21 Air Force Taurus
#28 Havoline Ram
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