Yellowflags and a playoff system?

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.

Re: Yellowflags and a playoff system?

Post by efgordon »

good point rook, now i am wondering myself what would happen if someone busted me in the rear just as i was comming into the pits. i'm thinking it wont be long untill i am thinking to myself "careful what you wish for".

its times like this that i am just glad that i am only a driver. he he he he i'll worry about slowing down getting into the pits and i'll let someone else figure what should happen if i dont.

cyaz friday

black flags

Post by CatCatch22 »

My final word is this on the black flags issue.

Lets say for instance viagra did not speed into pit lane like he said, I would not be surprised since heat does have alot of idiosynchrosies that may cause a wierd occurrence to happen.

For example, when I was racing in the RTTF league, the first race at California, imdedxx went into the pits expecting service yet found no pit crew waiting at the wall for him. He had to go all around the track with no gas even though I believe he was leading at the time. How many times has this happen to any of us, I'm sure it has. Its just one of those things that happens with the game of heat. Should we stop pitting entirely cause of the heat pit bug issue?

Another example is the infamous line warp at daytona. Now I have been in several races where the line warp takes me or someone else there out, don't we still race at Daytona? Cause of line warp should we stop racing at some of the tracks?

My final example is for richmond where the auto pits pushes you out to the track from the pit lane exit. Did we not still race the track even with this wierd issue with heat?, of course and still had some great fun racing.

My point is heat is not a perfect game by any means, none are. However we still race the game despite all its inequaties and enjoy it. The black flag rule will work most of the time, I can't give a percent but I would say at least 90% but then again I don't know. What I am saying is that its just one of those heat bugs that come out of nowhere every once in a while.

My last point about haveing black flags is that it allows the administrators more time to spend on the site updating results and have some free time for themselves, instead of having to search hours on end of replays to see people are pitting at speeds they are supposed to.

Cut to the chase

Post by sledge4 »

I think this just needs to go to a vote now. There's more then enough feedback here to warrant one.

I understand the issue with someone getting pushed into the pitroad, but if we do agree to go with Black Flags (which I support), then maybe a penalty is given to the driver who causes another car to get a black flag. Maybe they get the 10-point penalty.

So instead of ADMINS reviewing each drivers pitstop, they only need to review a reported incident of this.


"I support the right to vote"..."Equal rights for all drivers", LMAO


just can't decide... lol

Post by EagleKeeper »

after reading all of the pros and cons on this black flag thingy.... I'm not sure how i would vote (if it were to come to a vote). I'd almost have to test it once in a online race situation before deciding on a rule that would probably be changed for the entire season. I'm sure it will work in either situation (black on/off). but if black flags were turned on.... everyone will need to get in the game and practice their entrances. because some tracks have two white lines at the pit entrance. need to figure out which one is the scored speed line
but.... if we vote on changing the points.... i will probably vote for having a 10 race - top 10 shootout to determine the Champ.

Re: Yellowflags and a playoff system?

Post by lepage71 »

There is enough support on the black flag suggestion for it to warrant a poll. It will take a 75% majority to pass this rule change. Everyone is required to vote.

As far as a league playoff, the admins are still discussing this issue. I would say we will probably not do a playoff, since what makes this league exciting is the entertainment each individual race provides. But if we are to do a playoff, it will probably be a modified version of NASCAR's.

Remember to vote.

Re: Yellowflags and a playoff system?

Post by chevy4life21 »

i'm not for black flag....because if i was goin into pits under speed limit or so and some1 rammed into me....made me get black flag(while the speeding car used u to slow down and didn't get black flag....would make me upset to know he never got penalized)when he really would have.....but like i grove said....go with the admins.....and just here to have fun racing u all......chevy4life
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