Polls for the 2007 season

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Busch Series.
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Skoty Speed
League Administrator
Posts: 510
Joined: Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:54 pm

Polls for the 2007 season

Post by Skoty Speed »

The NHRL admins are creating a series of polls concerning the 2007 season! We are interested in everyone's opinion about certain topics, so please post questions and comments along with votes. And feel free to create a poll topic of your own, as well. We believe the current rule book works well, but we are always open to changes. Irrelevant or random comments will either be deleted or will result in a locked topic, ending that particular poll and its discussion. For example, it is fine to dislike a certain rule, and we encourage you to discuss these, but claiming that a certain rule has been enforced unfairly does not achieve anything because there is simply no evidence for this. Please post constructive comments that will be beneficial for everyone to discuss in anticipation of the next season.

Disclaimer: the results of the polls will not guarantee any changes. However, the admins will definitely consider them along with other relevant factors when making changes for the 2007 season.

Also, we may still be creating polls as you read this. Additional polls may be launched if the admins think about anything new in the coming weeks. So please continue to check this section and add comments.
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