NHRL Rule Book Update!

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NHRL Rule Book Update!

Post by Team NHRL »

The rules page has been revamped for the final stretch of season events, including the NHRL playoffs! Many sections have been expanded and there is more detail than ever. The old rules page was more than adequate...but since no one ever read it back then, now it is so engrossing that you simply HAVE to turn every page with anticipation. In some places there is a little repetition but considering that certain players have recently been complaining about penalties directly stated in the rules, this can't be a bad thing can it!?

For those of you who only want to review the SparkNotes version of the rules page - the only NEW rule concerns pit road driving. Unfortunately you will have to read the whole book to learn more. Or just buy the one-year membership :wink:.

If there are any questions about any of the new rules page items (remember - the only NEW rule is the pit road driving requirements), please post them in this thread! One of the league admins (oh, it isn't only lepage?) will be happy to provide an answer!

We know you have to slash your way through a jungle to get to the distant land of the rules page, so the NHRL Admins have cleared a path! Visit the rules page...

here! http://www.nascarheatracingleague.com/rules.html
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