New Official RaceScene

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New Official RaceScene

Post by DusterLag »

With the release of the new OFFICIAL CEM RaceScene
Located Here :

Is Camry Really Tony Stewart?
The Current Only Busch Video On There Will Answer That...

Re: New Official RaceScene

Post by adamj »

i guess camry is the 5 car? if so yeah he really messed up


Post by doZer2442 »

i know this race is old news and i should probly drop it....but how could you put the blame on that on me (5)? I just don't see it.... followed my line through the turn, got hit twice.... went out of control...??

Re: re

Post by adamj »

i'm not gonna get too far into it because i just started racing here myself and i dont wanna make any enemies lol. it just looks like you were kinda down there in no mans land being that low going into a turn at daytona. it almost looked like you came up on him and he came down a little to hit the right line for the turn.

Re: New Official RaceScene

Post by rookiesrock8 »

Good to see that you have a rookie wrecking a rookie in there so they can see the errors of their ways.

Re: re

Post by retroracer8 »

not taking any sides here but i think your film clip may not be your greatest looks as if the first impact comes after you move up off of the yellow line,your car seems to be coming up faster than camry is coming get into his left quarter which naturally turns him down the track into you for the second impact.this is just my second season here and i have ran with both of you guys with no problem,so i'm not picking on either driver.camry and me ran together alot during that nbs race,actually we were 1 and 2 when we came in to pit,i spun and he crossed the s/f line before i could get going again and got credited for leading a lap.(a lap that should have been mine,lol.)
let me give you 2 real life instances that happened to me,the last race of the year in '92 i got spun on the second lap,and i was hot.this was before we had radios by the way.when the race was over i asked one of my crew who had spun me,"the guy over there in the black car"was what he said.i stormed over there snatched the guy up verbally abused him and threatened to kick his a$$.the law came and i headed back to my pits.when i got back to my pits my crew was watching the race on a camcorder,i could tell by the looks on their faces something was wrong,i took the camcorder watched the video and felt about an inch tall,i had went to the wrong black car,funny now but not then.i had no choice but to be a man and go back over and hope he would accept my apology which thankfully he did.another time year before last me and another driver got together and i got spun again,well one of my best friends had a website covering bowman gray stadium,and he did just like you have here ,he posted it for everybody to see.the other guy was definately in the wrong but from 1992 to 2004 i had mellowed quite a bit,and was just gonna let it go since me and the guy had never had any problem before.then i asked my buddy to take down the video,cause basicaly when you put it out there like that you better hope YOU never make a mistake.and theres no real reason to drag a man across the carpet when you dont know what was in his mind at the time of the incident.and an after thought to this latter story,the next week the guy came to me and apologized,we passed a hard word or two for a few minutes in the end shook hands and wiped the slate know if your racing real or online and a guy tries for 2 or 3 laps to take you out,well,you know what his intent was.but if another guy just gets into you and you both crash you gotta give him the benefit of the doubt that it was just a mistake,at least the first time it happens.if it happens again in another race then you've got reason to wonder.
i think camry has done his best to take responsibility for the incident and has apologized sincerely,now its up to you how you wanna handle it from here but i believe a real man would pull the film clip like i wouldn't want somebody to post a clip of every mistake you make this season and try to make you look bad would you?just my thoughts and i hope all our races are as good and clean as the cts race was sunday night.good luck to both you guys and move on!!!
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