So this is it

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Busch Series.
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So this is it

Post by Viagra6Car »

Here we are in the last race of the season now. I haven't been able to run many races, but it looks like this has been a great season.

Should be interesting to see who ends up taking the title here in the final race. Fire, I never heard of you before the season, and somehow you are trying to win the championship. All I can say is that the best racer will take it on this Friday night. Luckily, I am able to run in the last race of the season...and I expect to win it, so look out

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @

Edited by: Viagra6Car at: 11/11/03 3:18 pm


Post by fireman79 »

Hey Viagara,

I don't think my chances are too good. I have had computer problems since last Friday. It has been in the shop now for 2 days. I should have it back tomorrow. So, I have not been able to practice yet and I do not have a setup yet. It will take a miracle to pull it off since lepage is soooo good. I will try hard and see what happens. It has been fun running in the points lead for the majority of the season. But now lepage is breathing hard down my back. Anything can happen though....a pit problem or lap traffic etc.... so i do have a shot if I can get a decent setup together.

Re: ????

Post by lepage71 »

This has been an excellent season. I think the best accomplishment of the NBS Series is that it is just as (if not more) competitive than the Winston Cup Series. NBS was never meant to be a secondary series and all the drivers have proven it.

Re: ????

Post by fatfreddy17 »

A bounty on Lepage?? hehehe

Re: ????

Post by lepage71 »

You will lose 100 points if you do not tell me who is behind this bounty!


Post by fireman79 »

I don't know anything about a bounty. lol but I was wondering what times were good for this track. I would appreciate any info so I know what to shoot for. I imagine a 17 lap window for fuel is good, right??

Re: times

Post by fatfreddy17 »

My setup sucks the last few laps!

naw,, it's the track that sucks the last few laps!
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