New Busch time for next season?

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Busch Series.
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New Busch time for next season?

Post by sledge4 »

So it seems all but official that Busch is moving to 9pm on Saturday's, which could not be a worse time.

Was there a vote like last season that I missed (Last Season Vote). Was there an email I missed asking for feedback?

I had plans on leaving off Cup series and only doing Busch on Sunday nights. As that was a perfect time. Plus Busch got a shitload bigger fields then Cup and it was getting harder to hold the wife off because I had to race on Saturday nights. Now moving to 2 races starting at 9pm on a prime weekend night is crazy.

Is this league going to only single dudes with no lives? I mean, I don't know everyone's outside life, but I'd assume i'm not the only racer with a wife and kids. How can put a decision in front of drivers to blow off there kids and wife on a relatively early Saturday that daddy can't go to a movie, he's got a race.

Busch was a good thing moving to Sunday's at 9, we had big fields, move competition then ever and you want to scratch that and start over?

Sounds to me like an agenda of one or two people, not a league wide choice.

Looks like after 4 years, my NHRL days are done. Out with the old, in with the new.

Will (aka Camry)

Wbrv, Sledge4, Camry
Managing Partner

Re: New Busch time for next season?

Post by efgordon »

take it in stride my brotha...

i think the key to the busch series was the drivers, not the mod, so maybe the trucks will provide just as much fun.

i am with you about sunday nights, they are much better for me, so i plan on putting a 1st class effort into the trucks, and i must say, i am looking forward to it......

i will definatly still sub a boatload of sarturdays, and maybe even go full time in one of the series, but i am gonna wait out to see the whole plan.

i'm fine with whatever you guys decide to do, god knows, i would never have the time, energy or know how to run something like this........

again, i would like to thank the NHRL guys for putting together such a good thing....


Post by rookiesrock8 »

You said it EF! I agree that Sundays are better also but I see their (NHRL) point. All car races on 1 night to create 2 large fields. And CTS sundays to give growth to and keep the CTS series alive. And furthermore this league is, whether you like it or not, run by Lepage. He tries to be democratic about it but in the end he can decide whatever he wants. So when the rumor of the schedule change came out. I decided that I too will be joining CTS as my primary series. I will run BGN and CUP on a limited schedule. IF the wife and family allow me to race on saturday nights once in awhile, then I can qualify and race from the front. No more subbing for this cat. I also became frustrated Camry, when I heard but I'm content with it now and am looking forward to bringing new competition to the laid back CTS boys. Let's getem EF.

sunday sunday sunday

Post by EagleKeeper »

i agree with everyone.
but.... i'm still disappointed;
busch was sweet this year. it was competitive because of the people and the 3x wear on expert (IMO). it was also competitive because of the time slot and day ran. sunday @ 9pm is perfect for everyone. (single dudes, married dudes, college dudes, highschool dudes.... everyone) more peeps showed up.... so there was more competition. bigger fields made people want to practice more to compete with the big names and fast drivers. not to mention compete with the great "fuel-run" drivers ... lol!
i'd have to admitt..... i will try to run the full season in busch next yr. and maybe be a full time sub in Cup. but..... I know i will miss more than 6 races in Busch if it is ran on Sat night.
Trucks...... what can ya say about Trucks..... i guess they are fun. if you like drafting and love racing on Normal realism (which is waht trucks compare to in my book).
so..... I think i may join the CTSA league...... but only because sunday nights are good for me. but, being that there is no passion for me in truck racing..... it's possible i will drift away mid season.
hope not..... love racin...... just I got to have a life too. and saturday nights are the prime night to do just about anything and everything.

Re: sunday sunday sunday

Post by efgordon »

maybe they will get some really cool tracks to keep things very competitive.......

not to change the subject or anything, but wouldent life be great if the nhrl was like real nascar

Friday night trucks, Saturday Busch, Sunday Cup

am i the only one who thinks that would be fun?

Re: sunday sunday sunday

Post by rookiesrock8 »

You might be the only one who has a wife that thinks it would be fun.


Post by DusterLag »

i stand behind you infinity% eagle! i tried to argue this point to the admin* but .. wouldnt listen...

Re: re

Post by doZer2442 »

personally i support the change. The truck series suffered poor attendance in 05 until the last few races, not sure why... it just did! But as somebody just stated...forgot who... "Sunday @ 9PM is perfect for everyone"... This will bring more guys into the truck series. And I like trucks better anyway...thats just me talkin tho

Now i've overheard some planning on the admins part and it looks like the tracks run in busch and cup are going to be similar in the weekly schedules... This getting track practice for the Cup race, in the busch race...even though the cars drive differant... you still have that seat time... if you get what i'm saying

So I think racin's gunna be even better in 2006 in all series

Re: re

Post by efgordon »

You might be the only one who has a wife that thinks it would be fun.

i didnt say i would race in all three

anyway, like nascar, trucks have the smallest schedule, and the cup series is the big one and the busch is somewhere in the middle........


Post from Lepage who is having posting troubles

Post by rookiesrock8 »

There are a lot of points on both sides of this issue. Ultimately, we made this decision because we felt it was best for the league.

Concerning most league changes, I think polls and votes work well for assessing opinions. However, we have tried voting for series time changes in the past and it has not provided any real consensus. The other problem with a poll on this type of issue is that everyone has their own agenda. Different times work best for different members of the league and it is difficult to really determine anything by the vote.

1) The new schedule configuration should create more off weekends for everyone. We plan to coincide the Busch and Cup schedules as close as possible. Unlike this year, almost every event for Cup and Busch will be on the same weekend. The track schedule will also match closely, so there will be less blood, sweat, and tears spent building setups for two or three different tracks in one weekend. Finally, the actual length of the schedule may be reduced by two or three races.

2) Regardless of which series is held on Sunday nights, there would be a new mod in use. Between the CTS mod or the new BGN mod, everyone would be using something different in 2006. So we have not lifted the proverbial carpet out from under anyone. No matter what happens, you will be in a different mod if you race on Sundays.

3) If the truck series was not moved to Sunday, we more than likely would have canned that series. So if that happened we would have another large section of the league with their own gripes. We had to prioritize league interests in keeping the truck series.

4) If fields were disappointing, why keep the truck series and force the Busch Series to switch times? There remains large support for sustaining CTS. One common problem that we noticed: many drivers did not have time to make and test setups for trucks. The BGN mod setups will be closer to Cup than trucks, and the tracks will be the same on most weekends, so a lot of time is saved for everyone with this configuration.

5) "Car only" drivers will be able to do their league racing on one night rather than two for the first time. Truck drivers finally get out of that "Cup" shadow and have a night of their own (which I personally think is silly, but there still exists that stigma).

6) Racing in the truck series is not equivalent to working in a sweat shop for 10 hours. Try the CTS mod, you might like it. Again I will emphasize that we are providing a series on Sunday nights at 9pm. There has been no up-carpetry.

7) Blame fred.

And finally, as far as us not listening. Well, I am not even acknowleding that one. We regard all opinions, except Skoty's.

Re: Post from Lepage who is having posting troubles

Post by efgordon »

now how in the world are we supposed to put our faith in a guy who cant even make a post in his own forum?

Re: Post from Lepage who is having posting troubles

Post by bover907 »

LOL @ efgordon.

I am one of the FEW peeps that sunday night isn't very good for. As much as I love the CTS series, I may just have to scrap it, and run busch and cup on saturdays only. If Busch stayed on sunday, that would have been the series I would have had to scrap.

What I will probably end up doing is running busch and cup full time, and running a limited truck schedule. I am fine with that though. Where else on the net can you find a league like this.

I happen to like the friendships I've made over the past season and a half, and really appreciate the work that goes into this, and the great racing.


Re: Post from Lepage who is having posting troubles

Post by WildFire »

I personally enjoying running races on Sunday also. And also looking forward to trying the new mod. The league has put alot of time and effort into creating a new BGN mod for us for 2006, and from what I've seen and heard about it from Skoty it sounds really cool, and I'm looking forward to when it's release. I also enjoy running the trucks series, and like the idea that they have there own night on Sundays!! Like rookie has stated, they deserve there own night. Since BGN and Cup both will be following the same schedule. I will most likely next year will be running in Trucks on Sundays, and BGN on Saturdays. Cup not sure about yet. Carrying three series can be kinda hectic, especially with my schedule. Will have to make a decision about that later on down the road.

Another subject I would like to bring up is that Lepage TommyW Skoty and FatFreddy run an awesome league here, and all four of them have done a tremendous job of running the league this year. I've probably learned more from them in the last 15 hours about certain things that I really didn't even realise, or really even thought about. And I'm glad that it was brought to my attention. Now this new team concept things is all getting out of control, because it happened to me last night and has actually put me into the frying pan, for last nights race. So all those teams out there or new ones getting started take this as an valuable lesson for the future stay out of the frying ban!!! So you don't get burned or burn someone's elses race. Use this as a lesson. Because it was a valuable one that I learned about this evening. Don't get me wrong teams are great, for sharing advice, building setups. But running indepently has it's benefits too!!!

So use what happened last night as an example for all future races. Run your race on the track, not your TEAMS race!!!

Anything else I forgot, Blame Freddy for it!!!!

Edited by: WildFire at: 11/21/05 9:24 pm

Re: New Busch time for next season?

Post by retroracer8 »

as one of the newest members here i have to be in total agreance with bover "where else on the net can you find a league like this?".the competition level here was the toughest i've ever been in,as it showed with most of my finishes.i feel like whatever division a person runs in here he is running with some of the best drivers on the for me its not a decision of what series i want to run,but which one i am able to run.which for me is whatever is available on sunday nights.the 2 guys i bought in at the end of the season,adamj and shawn have the same problem so i know the 3 of us will definately try to run every sunday night race next year,whichever series it turns out to be.the drivers and the professionalism that is shown here is what immediately impressed me,and sent me on the recruiting trail.i show people at work that dont even net race the site everyweek.not kissing a$$ here just glad to be a part of this league.thanks for recommending it to me skoty,its everything you said it would be.
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