Skipper60 & OlSlug

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Skipper60 & OlSlug

Post by Proverb356 »

Once in a while, I notice some of those NORMAL racers like lugox and a few others running Daytona races on HC...

Well, since no one else was online racing, I decided to join these 2 unheard of racers at Daytona (Skipper60 & OlSlug). After a race or 2 (if I remember correctly) BBFF_Johnny connected also. Now I had my suspitions about who they might be once we left Daytona and they were still staying on the track (definately not NORMAL drivers)... So anyway, I was informaed that this dynamic duo were none other than Comp and Verm!

So what is the league policy concerning these guys? Comp wants people to join his league. I can see how that is a conflict of interest. I don't want to treat them like they don't exist, but I do understand that they have had little respect for the admins and some other racers in this league.

Let me know you feellings on this issue, so I don't seem taboo for racing pick-up races with them in IRF.
Skoty Speed

Re: Skipper60 & OlSlug

Post by Skoty Speed »

I can only speak for myself. I personally would NEVER tell you who you can or can't race with.

Re: Skipper60 & OlSlug

Post by lepage71 »

Well I'd equate it to racing with a villain.

Check this out:

These clowns went so far as to plagiarize our league images and name. I won't tell anyone who to race with, but I do want everyone to have all of the facts.

Re: Skipper60 & OlSlug

Post by Proverb356 »

You know, I am so very oblivious! I am so accustomed to coming to the league site, that I never pay attention to the logos at the top of the page. I do notice the flagrant plagiarism now.

I am willing to forgive anyone for just about anything as long as they are genuinely repentant. It is obvious that Comp is still unrepentant for his ill behavior and gladly adds insult to injury. Thats not the kind of character I want to associate with.

Edited by: Proverb356 at: 4/11/04 11:31 am

Re: Skipper60 & OlSlug

Post by lepage71 »

More plagiarism, this time of dolls!

Sigh, Comp...will it ever end?

Re: Skipper60 & OlSlug

Post by efgordon »

wow. i had no idea. i raced with both of them a few times last night myself. go figure.

Re: Skipper60 & OlSlug

Post by Viagra6Car »

Well I'd equate it to racing with a villain
71 you continue to amaze me with the dumb things you say

Anyway I'd say go ahead and race with em as long as you are going to stomp em on the track

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @

Re: Skipper60 & OlSlug

Post by lepage71 »

Last time I checked copying stuff from other sites was illegal.

And remember this is a guy that actually threatened to come to my house and find me because he was so angry

Villain = right on!

Re: Skipper60 & OlSlug

Post by EagleKeeper »

i wouldn't let anything V6 says bother ya Lepage. wasn't he kicked out of this league a couple years back anyway???

Re: Skipper60 & OlSlug

Post by lepage71 »

Kicked out? He's still in our NBS Series.

And I think most of us learned to ignore most of what he says anyways!
Skoty Speed

Re: Skipper60 & OlSlug

Post by Skoty Speed »

Did he say something?????

Posse of Punks

Post by Viagra6Car »

You're askin for it...all you punks

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @
Skoty Speed

Re: Posse of Punks

Post by Skoty Speed »

Did somebody say something?

Re: Posse of Punks

Post by EagleKeeper »

LOL all in fun V6 we luv ya man
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