Homestead Final Race

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Homestead Final Race

Post by fireman79 »

first of all, Congratulations to lepage for winning the championship. I really enjoyed racing this league. Lepage, you run a great league and are wise beyond your years. Fred, You were a great guy to race with and handled things very well when lepage was not there.
Now, on to a little discussion about the events that took place last night. Just to recap. I pitted on lap 18, pulled in and stopped and just as my crew got to work the number 7 car drove straight ahead into the back of me, shoving me out of my pit. I don't know about you guys but i usually turn right as i leave my pit. ??? Even if I was ghosting a bit. If you guys were in your pit and saw the car ahead of you was ghosting, would you say heck with it I am just gonna drive through that guy. I think not. Anyway, I took it in stride and headed around to pit on lap 19. As i approached my pit, now i see ram sitting there behind my pit, I pull in and as soon as i stop, ram drives straight ahead and shoves me out again. Once, maybe but twice in a row, i don't think was accidental. Anyway, If they received a penalty, what good does that do me. I race week in and week out to try and win this thing only to have a shot at winning the title knabbed away. What can we do as a league to make sure something like this does not happen again??? that is something to think about. neither one of those drivers had anything to loose. they were basically locked into their positions. Should this kind of driving be grounds for removal from league??? these are valid questions. Now I would like to ask EFgordon and Ram........WHY?? I am open to listening to your explanations.
Thanks for listening

Re: Homestead Final Race

Post by lepage71 »

Thanks for your input, Fire. We are currently discussing exactly what happened and what to do about it. For the record, there will be no league removals for this incident. We don't want to take an unfortunate situation and make even more problems out of it, especially since efgordon and Ramrock have been solid drivers all season. I can see something like having to sit out qualifying for 3, 4, or 5 races to start out 2004, but kicking anyone or suspensions is going too far (in my opinion).

Here is what I saw from the incidents:

Lap 18 - efgordon drives through your ghost and knocks you off your pit. You are not supposed to drive through ghosts, but he did anyways. I do not feel this was an intentional attempt to knock you out of the pits. However, it is was wrong, since you aren't supposed to drive thru other stalls.

Lap 19 - Ramrock41, for whatever reason, is not at his computer and his car is randomly drifting forwards after he had completed a pit stop. When you came down that second time, you missed your stall and when you tried to back up, the 41 car bumped you forward.

Calling both incidents intentional is taking it too far, but these were mistakes that are not supposed to happen and do warrant some kind of action. If anyone else wants to look at the replay and add some input, that would be appreciated.

I would not have any problem doing co-champions or something like that, but it would be up to you. I regret how tough of a situation this is, because we have had a good points race all year and something silly spoiled it at the end. Most importantly, I hope that these accidents have not changed your mind on returning in 2004. Not only have you been the fastest car in half of the races, you have been a fair competitor and made all the races.

We will add more on this later and I would like to hear comments from efgordon and Ramrock.


Post by fireman79 »

I appreciate your comments. And, no I don't want to be co-champion without earning it. I think you would have probably beat me even if i had stayed out of trouble last night. I am just very diappointed that i did not get the opportunity to give you a run for it. Anyway, lets see what ef and ram have to say, along with anyone else who has any input about the situation.

Re: reply

Post by fatfreddy17 »

We changed from auto to manuel pitting just a few weeks back. It looks to me like we need to work on hitting your pit stall and making a clean exit out of your pit stall.

In my opinion the hits were not intentional, just a case of not practicing a pit stop on worn tires. I've raced Ram for over a year, and I don't beleive he would do that, he has a lot of pride in driving a good clean race.

Edited by: fatfreddy17 at: 11/15/03 5:29 pm

Pit trouble

Post by Proverb356 »

I figured I would offer what I saw since I finally saved a replay.

The #7 simply drove through Fire's car. I don't think it was intentional, but it wasnt good judgement either. He also went through Catch's ghosted car if I am not mistaken.

It seems to me like the #41 car left his car in the middle of the race during his pit stop. After watching the replay, Ram's car drifts at 1 - 2 mph through 5 pit stalls until just about the point when he hit Fire's car. About halfway through Fire's ghosted car, the #41 comes to life to exit the pits.

Guys just need to be curtious aware in the pits just like on the track.

I also had problems pitting since we changed the rule (people in my stall). You either have to wait for them or get damage pushing them out. Its annoying. I like the rule and want to keep it, but guys just need to make good pit stops like they make good laps.

Re: Pit trouble

Post by workdaddy52 »

I wasn't there last night but I can say one thing. Manual pitting takes practice and we have been doing it for the last four of five races and a lot of guys are not use to it. I have run manual pits in every league I have been in and I have blown my chance to win by just simplely sliding through my stall. Guys the only thing I can really stay is practice pitting and just dont practice with fresh tires either put it on 6x wear if you have too, so you have worn tires. There is a really big difference in pitting with fresh and worn tires and get ready for season.




Post by Viagra6Car »

Hopefully Ef or Ram will eventually post here to tell what happened. I know both of these guys, and that they wouldn't be trying to take you out of it Fire.

You were ghosting the first time in, but no one should just drive through you like that. You have to pay close attention to who you see as a ghost in the pits, because it might just be a temporary ghost of someone still running the race.

I don't know what Ram was doing, but if he was done racin, he should've found a brick or somethin to put on the brake pedal. He must've come back to his computer and paniced when he saw he was in your pit, then trying to drive forward and out of it.

No luck Fire...and I think you guys should do some type of showdown @ Homestead to determine the champ. Like a 20 lap race between you 2 to see who should've had it

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @

Re:Pit Trouble

Post by Ramrock41 »

Fireman,...I am very sorry for that pit stop incident,Proverb hit it right on the head!! I had gotin up and ran to the bathroom to go pee and when i got back my car was all over your rear bumper, was like, HOLY @#%$!!!!!! Man,.. I felt like a real BONEHEAD.
I try to race clean whenever i can, again,.I apologize.



Post by fireman79 »

thanks for the apology Ram. Apology accepted

i am sorry

Post by efgordon »

i did save the replay and have watched it already, and it makes me sick to my stomach that i cost you the opportunity to win the title last friday night. i swear i didnt think you were there, and i guess i am just not experienced enough in these league races to think that could even happen. it still confuses the hell out of me that i never felt a bump and i had no damage and i never saw you budge an inch from my car friday and when i see the replay i clearly knocked you right out of your pits. my car got so damn loose and slippery, i completly lost track of my surrondings and didnt know what place i was running or who pitted with me. i was simply trying to follow lapage around for as long as i could hang. when my pit crew finished i simply nailed the gas and tried to keep it in a straight line because i was worried i was gonna colide with someone comming through the pits. i guess i was so used to normal auto pits that i never even thought that this could happen. i am not using it as an excuse, auto or man i should have known better. although its hard to tell by the way i nearly wrecked every pitstop, i swear i spent hours just on pitting several days leading up to that race. i have tried very hard to stay outta the way during the few races i was in. i also intentionally started in the back every race even when lapage told me it was ok to start qualifying like a regular as opposed to subbing. i have been around irf racing several different mods for a few years now, and i have always been a clean racer. i regret that this happend and i will except and penalty or suspention or whatever has to happen. i only wish it was real and not a simulation cause i woulda gladly got out of my car right then and there and let you punch me right in the face. i think i deserved it.

Re: i am sorry

Post by lepage71 »

Both efgordon and Ramrock41 are valuable members to the league and without question will be returning to the NBS Series in 2004. So there is no need to worry about that.

For 2004, we might try something like requiring everyone to be in the server at 11:00 sharp so that we can do a couple sessions of nothing but pitting. Those who show up past the designated time might be forced to take a provisional in the race. But this is a just an idea we may consider. I think the general idea is just to have everyone practice pitting more at each track, whether we add the no qualify thing is up for discussion.

We will also clarify that you need to exit to the right when done your pit stop. That is currently not in the rule book, although it could be considered one of the "general racing rules."

No matter what happens, this should be a good 2004 season with the same drivers (and some new ones too!)

Everyone please continue to visit the forums over the off season to stay up to date with the news. We will also use emails to contact everyone. Rough drafts of the schedule and driver roster in 2004 will be released shortly.

The site will be updated with the final season summaries for every division sometime in December, maybe as early as next week for CUP and NBS.

Thank you for posting your explanations.


Post by razerbacker »

I just read the dialoge about the last race. I would like to commend all of you for working out the Pitting problems.

So nice to see the communication, working towards a solution.
Cya Racers Next Season Razer


Post by efgordon »

hey fireman79, are we ok now? i never heard back from you after i screwed that last race up for you. i just wanna make sure you know i am sorry, and it wont happen again before this season kicks off.


Post by fireman79 »

hey ef! yeah we are fine. I was just a bit upset at the time because it happened twice in a row. My first thought was that there was a conspiracy to make sure I did not win the championship. Think about it, 2 laps in a row, I was knocked right out of my pit. I did not seem like a coincedence at the time. I accept what happened as just and accident or maybe a little inexperience in pitting, and hold no grudges. Good luck to you this season.
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