You Know...

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Busch Series.
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You Know...

Post by Raceman1820 »

I've been thinking and I think i'm gonna give this racing a final go and see how things work out. This last year I have been pretty busy with things and was pretty wore out from racing. I'm gonna see if I can get the game loaded on my computer without any problems. If there i'snt any problems with me joining back up, that would be great. I would have to find the right patches and carset. If someone could let me know where I could get them that would be great, Thanks.

Re: You Know...

Post by lepage71 »

The 1.72e patch is on the site's file page. This is the patch the league will be using.

There should not be a problem with you joining, as long as you can commit to making more races. The NBS Series races are still on Fridays at 11:00pm Eastern Time. All drivers are required to know the 2004 rules.

Also, will you be using the #18 car?


Post by Raceman1820 »

Yes the 18 car, and thanks. I should be able to make more races


Post by razerbacker »

Hope to see you this year. I hope they let me run again..
I am the only original racer left from the original races.
You are next in age!! lol


ahh yes

Post by Raceman1820 »

lol, yeah. Miss them good old time races back then.
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