Last nights race

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Last nights race

Post by Ramrock41 »

I want to apologize to lepage,Scrooluice,Proverb356 and anyone else that i may have crashed when my wheel came loose from the desk,..It wont happen agine,...I'm going to bolt the wheel to the desk. Damb!!! I was running good to, i was all over ya Fireman,

Re: Last nights race

Post by lepage71 »

after the cup series lowes race #1, i found that nothing beats duct tape...LOL

no problem, just bristol

200 mph tape?

Post by fireman79 »

You mean 200 mile an hour tape??
Yeah ram you were. lol

Re: 200 mph tape?

Post by scrooluice »

No problem. I was right there with you too, but I was already running out of gas when your wheel came off, which caused me to blow a tire and basically put the nail in the coffin for me. I was with you, but I just didn't have the gas mileage. Oh well, such is life.

Edited by: scrooluice at: 10/4/03 5:25 pm
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