wild ride

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Busch Series.
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wild ride

Post by fatfreddy17 »


After completing my pit stop, I got tapped by Ram, at first nothing happened, then my car shot straight up in the air, flipping all the way up and all the way down.

I rolled 11 times, landed on the 22 car, and rolled 1 more time.

If anyone wants to see this flip, I have the replay compressed to 7.07KB ( using winrar ). Your replay will only show my car twitching, you really have to see my replay!

Edited by: fatfreddy17 at: 9/27/03 3:04 pm

wild ride

Post by Viagra6Car »

may i see?


Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @ www.geocities.com/legendcarheatracin
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