NHRL Racers

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NHRL Racers

Post by Petty43 »

Okay guys here's the deal. What needs to happen around here is this. These are my own opinions. With what's been going on in this league hasn't been all so positive lately. So what needs to happen is that we get positive. I've been thinking about it, and we need to be a group of members vs. all this hostility. What is the biggest downfall of the league right now is I feel that most are mad at the newer drivers that are coming around. I'm a newer driver myself in NHRL. The veterans and the newer drivers need to be more open about things. This has been good lately but I think we've gone to far, in fact i am guilty myself. That's not making me happy, it's making me feel better but it's not doing anything to help ALL of us as drivers in this league. We need to get back to the thrills of racing. Help the driver who needs help. I think the newer guys around are scared to ask for information. They feel that nobody is going to help them. That isn't the case. Everytime i asked for help someone gave me some pointers. That needs to start happening. I know that some drivers are doing this at the present time, but I think more of us need to lend a helping hand. The guys who need advice should just ask. Every driver has their own way they want their car to feel, so not all information given is going to help, but it might open some eyes. We need be a group again. I don't want to lose anymore racers. We've lost some great drivers in a short time, and i don't want it to happen anymore. I hope they come back. I'm not saying send the guy your setup, but be more open to help the struggling drivers out. We need to get back to having fun, and we are moving away from that, which is not good for anyone or the league. Let's have some fun, and go racing, and help the guys who need it. It's the only way to help the struggling drivers. Let's go to Texas and have a great race, we need to. Not all drivers are going to want to participate in what i mentioned and that's fine. The only way we all can become equal is if we treat each other as equals. That is not happening here as of late. So now that we've all vented our frustrations, and got what we needed to say out in the open, it's time to leave the past in the past, and look forward to a brighter future. It's in our hands to change this. If we keep going down this road, it's not good. Let's all get back to being positive, and help the struggling racers here. It's the only way this is going to work. They have been accepted into the league, so we all (myself included) need to be aware of this. I really enjoy racing each and one of you, i really do. We all have competition in our blood, so it goes to show how much fun we really can have. Not all are going to agree with me and that's fine. Something has to change, and i really believe if we take some this information and apply it, it not only will make us better drivers, it will make everyone here better drivers, which in return equals close battles, white knuckled racing, good times, and good laughs. Let's get back to that. See you on the track.
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Re: NHRL Racers

Post by Donaldson »

well said petty. i nominate you as an admin. i feel the biggest thing that needs to change is if a driver has a dispute with a penalty or feels one should have been given than we should be allowed to put it up as a vote and see how everyone feels about it, instead of just 1 person calling the shots. and having a "common sense" rule, if you are multiple laps down or are involved in numerous incidents before the halfway point then its best to sit the rest of the race out.

"Something has to change, and i really believe if we take some this information and apply it, it not only will make us better drivers, it will make everyone here better drivers"

exactly, don't be afraid to voice your opinion. I know I've received a few pm's from people who didn't post and they make really good points. i encourage you to post your feelings, its the only way things will get better and make the league better as a whole.
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Re: NHRL Racers

Post by Skoty Speed »

Donaldson wrote:exactly, don't be afraid to voice your opinion. I know I've received a few pm's from people who didn't post and they make really good points. i encourage you to post your feelings, its the only way things will get better and make the league better as a whole.
We're always looking for ways to improve this league. We do welcome any ideaas you guys may have.


and btw, there's 2 of us here. but if you wanna just blame lepage, i'm good with that... :lol:
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Re: NHRL Racers

Post by retroracer »

Wow,I do believe the Canned Heat video worked!!!!!
"Come on ,come on everybody,lets work together"
Show some class,not your A$$ !!
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