This past weeks race at Richmond

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This past weeks race at Richmond

Post by BlackKnight »

First off I would like to appoligize to all the drivers affected by my actions during the race........ I would also like to appoligize to the admins for them also......

I was suffering some computer problems which caused some very bad issues with my computer to which at the time I thought were fixed and felt that I could race on it. I was terribly wrong to which I am greatly sorry for all the miss happs the became of it..I hope that all drivers will accept my appoligy and give me another chance to proove that this past race is not my way of racing!! I as for all others wish to run a clean and fun race to the best of my abillitys to which I hope to proove to you all...Thanks to my team and others we have solved my computer issues..
Thank You for your time and patience
See you all on the track
Black Knight
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Re: This past weeks race at Richmond

Post by Rookiesrock »

I saw your connection tonight. Much better.

Here is a free rook tip- When parking a vehicle, to spectate, it is best to take it out of gear and keep your foot on the brake and/or park your vehicle against the wall. LMAO! :badgrin:
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Re: This past weeks race at Richmond

Post by bmxtwins »

Next time just disconnect. I got slam bam thank you mammed by you. Cost me the race and some major points man. No hard feelings, Bmxtwins
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Re: This past weeks race at Richmond

Post by Jes Rathbun »

This in nutts are you kidding me You guys couldnt put two words together now after some shit hit the fan your writing like you won the National spelling bee. Are we ALL that stupid!!!
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Re: This past weeks race at Richmond

Post by Jes Rathbun »

sorry does this language look right (repost):

I Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

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Re: This past weeks race at Richmond

Post by bmxtwins »

So i make 1 mistake in typing? Wild Child is less understandable than i am. go after him! Dont u have anything better to do? Just because im a 14 year old beating u doesnt mean u have to make fun of my spelling. Make fun of my driving... ohh wait u cant because yer worse than me.
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Re: This past weeks race at Richmond

Post by SpeedyExiter »

Bmxtwins wrote:So i make 1 mistake in typing? Wild Child is less understandable than i am. go after him! Dont u have anything better to do? Just because im a 14 year old beating u doesnt mean u have to make fun of my spelling. Make fun of my driving... ohh wait u cant because yer worse than me.

I would rather run every race side by side with Andy Pruca trick-or -treating in and out of he bleachers than have to put up with the poor sportsmanship you displayed during the LOWES CTS Race when I passed you ! You could probably get a job as an offensive lineman for the Detroit Lions. MAybe even take them to the Superbowl! :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ :-$ [-X [-X [-X
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Re: This past weeks race at Richmond

Post by Jes Rathbun »

FUCK YOU ..YOU FUCKIN FUCK...I dont care if you beat me on the track ...Everyone knows I never get mad ..but now I'M mad you two pieces of shit have taken it to the next listen you fucks accused teams of using illegal logos YOU WERE DOING THE SAME THING 2.Ya you can't spell do you go to school (not schule 3 you cant get enough drivers in your league to race ...10 drivers are needed to race a race due to low peeps showing we need 10 signed up before the races by atleast 3 days.......thats from your website in case you didnt know
maybe people have seen your ways... I know we all.have at NHRL,..... havent you figured it out..................WE ARE TIRED OF YOUR FUCKIN SHIT....go to your own league you have stolen from the NHRL (without this site you would be shit ) you had no idea how to make a dedicated server and still dont, dont have any templetes for the mod unless you got them you just copy people stuff and illegally make them as your own what a piece of shit you two are. I can NOT believe that the NHRL is allowing this. ,go ahead and copy our stuff, attitude .no problem lalalalaal. in final go AWAY TO YOUR OWN POSER WEBSITE you better thank lepage and bover for helping you (which you ve never done ..and dont do it now because i mention two shit bags....O did i mention you dont have an originial idea in you head .so fuck you
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Re: This past weeks race at Richmond

Post by Petty43 »

=D> :newspaper